
Better Life

Mahendra Bhatiya

Better Life is not only restricted to humans, but it’s for all living things; because we are correlated with each other and we believe in spreading happiness and making this world a better place for ‘Better Life. We are involving ourselves in dedicating and contributing our thoughts and deeds for the betterment of society. In association with some foundations, social activists, and on our own.

We pledge to invest in our societal culture to benefit our people and propel this concern for ‘Better Life’ surrounding us.

“I’m not responsible for society and yes, it is true. Because I believe that responsibility is what you forcefully have to do, but my social involvement is all for ‘Better Life’ concern. Better Life for all surrounding me and this concern makes me complete more than my other ambitions.”

Mahendra Bhatiya
Director of Dev Opus Pvt. Ltd.

Our Focus Areas







Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

The Lifecycle Approach

Better Life is not only restricted to humans, but it’s for all living things; because we are correlated with each other and we believe in spreading happiness and making this world a better place for ‘Better Life. We are involving ourselves in dedicating and contributing our thoughts and deeds for the betterment of society.
The Lifecycle Approach

The Better Life with Dev Opus

Dev Opus -Better Life
Dev Opus -Better Life
Dev Opus -Better Life
Dev Opus -Better Life
Dev Opus -Better Life

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